Student Organizations
Student organizations are available on the Chicago and Rockford campuses.
Joining student organizations can provide you with a number of opportunities to grow as a student pharmacist outside of the classroom, such as:
- Getting to know fellow pharmacy students at UIC and across the US;
- Gaining experience working with real patients while participating in health fairs, blood drives and other events;
- Giving back to the community;
- Building networks with professionals and alumni;
- Developing leadership skills.
Student Organizations Heading link
PSC - Pharmacy Student Council
The UIC Retzky College of Pharmacy – Pharmacy Student Council serves as the umbrella organization that links the organizations registered within the College of Pharmacy. The purpose of the council is to provide student representation on various issues that affect our college, facilitate decision making between the student pharmacy organizations, and serve as a bridge for students, faculty, administration, and other UIC professional colleges. Among the activities that PSC conducts are the Welcome Week events (PharmAid, Back-To-School BBQ, UI Health Mixer, Organization Day), the Dean’s Forum, Rockford-Chicago Interrelations events, and much more. If you are interested in student government, contact us!
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Tara Driscoll,
Dr. Allison Schriever:
AAPP - American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists
AAPP aims to educate student pharmacists about career opportunities in psychiatric and neurologic pharmacy and to empower students to become advocates for individuals with mental illness so that we may foster the development of a stigma-free practice. By understanding mental illness and neurological disorders possess the same level of severity and significance as physical health issues, we can change the way these disorders are perceived in the field of pharmacy and across the entire spectrum of healthcare.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Shiyun Kim,
ACCP - American College of Clinical Pharmacy
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is a national professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice, research, and education. For the UIC ACCP chapter, this includes Journal Clubs, Morning Rounds, Clinical and Research Competitions, and Practice Research Networks for pharmacists and students to communicate within.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Nancy Shapiro,
Dr. Melissa Badowski,
Dr. Kevin Rynn,
AIPhA - Association of Indian Pharmacists in America
Association of Indian Pharmacists in America (AIPhA) is a non-profit professional student organization composed of a dedicated group of passionate pharmacy students committed to developing and implementing professional and cultural values in our members. Our mission is to achieve a more unified profession. We work to expose our members to the many different roles that are available to pharmacists. We want to increase the public awareness of the profession of pharmacy by community-involved activities. Social events to expose the Indian culture are also held periodically. As a whole, we want to hold hands with our parent chapter and other professional pharmacy organizations to better serve the community.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Nazia Babul,
AMCP - Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
AMCP aims to empower our members to serve society by using sound medication principle and strategies to achieve positive outcomes; improving quality of life through appropriate and accessible medication use. Our mission is to promote the development and application of pharmaceutical care in order to ensure appropriate health care outcomes for all individuals. Our organization represents the views and interests of managed care pharmacy. We also promote education and the practice of managed care in the Retzky College of Pharmacy by providing networking opportunities for our members.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Margaret Byun,
APA - Asian Pharmacists Association
The Asian Pharmacists Association (APA) was founded in 1991 with the goal of bringing together pharmacy students of various cultures and backgrounds while promoting awareness of Asian culture and assisting in student professional development. APA strives to impact their local Asian communities through providing health services, including blood glucose, blood pressure, and BMI screenings during MAHA Clinic events and health fairs. Additionally, APA extends its reach to the APIDA undergraduate population at UIC, volunteering as mentors and serving as role models for future professionals. We strive to be present and welcome all, regardless of race, to learn about Asian culture, to develop themselves, and to make a positive impact on the surrounding community.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Juliana Chan,
APhA-ASP - American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists
The mission statement of UIC’s American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy. APhA-ASP is the largest and most active pharmacy student organization at the UIC Retzky College of Pharmacy campus – our organization has receive accolades at the university, regional, and national levels for our innovative programming and engaging community outreach events. APhA-ASP provide opportunities for student pharmacists to become involved through patient care projects, community outreach, international organizations, career programming, and professional development. Our various initiatives include legislative advocacy, International Pharmacy Student Federation (IPSF), annual Clinical Skills Workshop, APhA-ASP/CVS’s National Patient Counseling Competition, and many more.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Marlowe Djuric Kachlic,
Dr. Tony Rosella,
ASCP - American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) empowers pharmacists and pharmacy students to enhance quality of care for the geriatric population through the appropriate use of medication and the promotion of healthy aging. Students support and actively participate in projects to advance senior care pharmacy, including giving topic presentations about falls prevention, osteoporosis, medication safety, and more. The ASCP UIC-Student Chapter organizes monthly Medication Therapy Management events at a senior living home to promote quality geriatric care. Speakers are invited to UIC COP to present various topics relating to consultant pharmacy and inform students on ways to get involved. In addition, ASCP partners with Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly to raise awareness and relieve isolation among the Chicago elderly.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Sheryl Mathew,
BPhSA - Black Pharmacy Student Association
BPhSA promotes the professional, cultural, and service growth of the Diasporic African American students at the college of pharmacy through academic and professional enrichment programs, social and cultural engagements, and community health fairs.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Oluwaleke Ajayi,
Dr. Amina Gassam,
CDEC - Community Drug Education Committee
Community Drug Education Committee (CDEC) is a group of pharmacy school students that organizes events that educate students at various institutions and grade levels ranging from 1st grade to college undergraduates on health topics relevant to them, including basic hygiene, nutrition, bullying, sexual education, drug abuse, and many more topics. We have visited many local schools such as Children of Peace, Ambrose Plamondon, and Ombudsman High School in the past. If you would like to improve your public speaking abilities, become more involved in the community, and find a genuine fulfillment in inspiring young minds, then please join our organization. We welcome everyone!
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Faria Munir,
Dr. Jewel Younge,
CPFI - Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International
CPFI is a Christian-based organization that serves to bolster meaningful bonds among its members. Fellowship is facilitated through bible studies presented at and outside of GBMs, member involvement in community pharmacy outreach events, guest faculty speakers, and various opportunities to serve. Our mission is to serve Christ and the world through this profession of pharmacy. Come check us out!
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Lauren Wilcox,
Dr. Sally Falahat,
DIA - Drug Information Association
Our local chapter strives to foster innovation to improve health and well-being by:
- Providing a neutral environment to exchange and discuss current issues related to healthcare products, technologies, and services;
- Delivering customized learning experiences by bringing in unique speakers and events;
- Building, maintaining, and facilitating trusted relationships with individuals and organizations that drive and share DIA values and mandates; and
- Increasing communication among a variety of health care professions.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Faria Munir,
ICHP - Illinois Council of Health-Systems Pharmacists
ICHP is the state-affiliated component of the national organization the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Our mission is to increase student awareness regarding pharmacist roles and practices across health-systems including hospital and ambulatory settings; help students prepare for residency applications; and to encourage membership and participation in the state (ICHP) and national (ASHP) organizations both as students and pharmacy graduates. We offer clinical preparedness programs such as journal clubs and patient case presentations, mentoring and shadowing programs as well as networking, leadership, and community outreach opportunities for all members.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Sheila Allen,
Dr. Marianne Pop,
IDSPhA - Infectious Disease Student Pharmacist Association
The Infectious Disease Student Pharmacist Association (IDSPhA) was created to expand general knowledge of infectious disease pharmacy. We are dedicated to promoting and educating students on the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents and cutting-edge basic and clinical research. Our organization seeks to foster the development of student pharmacists’ clinical skills in caring for patients suffering from infectious diseases.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Zachary Bulman,
Dr. Mark Biagi,
IPhO - Industry Pharmacists Organization
Pharmacy is an ever-growing career path with outlets that stretch beyond clinical and community settings. IPhO serves to broaden horizons for students at UIC via engagement with pharmaceutical industry. Our chapter, affiliated with a national organization of over 400 active members, is a leader in both membership and activity. Over the last several years, IPhO has engaged students through speakers, discussions, networking events and industry tours. Members can participate in our award winning VIP case competition, Pharma Fair and other unique engagement opportunities. Pharmacists are playing key roles in development, medical and commercial fields that are positively changing the direction of medicine today. IPhO is dedicated to enriching the education provided at UIC through diverse exposure to pharmaceutical industry.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Bradley Bartels,
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc.
Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world. We aim to conduct a professional fraternity to enable each Brother to grow as a pharmacist and as a leader. Through this, we strengthen our bonds through fellowship and proactively participate in activities that will advance pharmacy. Professional activities include volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, Special Olympics, and many more. We also regularly hold P4/Residency roundtables and Alumni mixers.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Jaimie Hurd,
Dr. Brad Bartles,
MSLS - Medical Science Liaison Society
To educate students about the Medical Science Liaison profession, so that they are more prepared for fellowship opportunities or directly entering the MSL field.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Matthew Gimbar,
MuPhSA - Muslim Pharmacy Students Association
MuPhSA’s mission is to foster a supportive community for all UIC Pharmacy Students while advancing the profession of pharmacy by giving back to the local Chicagoland communities and educating about Islamic values. MuPhSA aims to develop its members and the community at large through education, mentoring, charity fundraising, professional development events and community service projects while celebrating the inclusive culture of UIC.
Our activities include:
- Raising funds for various charities in the greater Chicagoland area
- Organizing professional development events and socials
- Participating in health fairs, health screenings, and provide clinical education
- Increasing Islamic awareness and understanding of concepts through guest lecturers
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Clara Okorie-Awe,
Dr. Faria Munir,
NCODA - National Community Oncology Dispensing Association, Inc
The UIC NCODA student chapter provides student access to oncology-related opportunities including public service, webinars, conferences, and professional networks to further develop skills to improve oncology pharmacy patient care.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Christopher Schumpp,
NCPA - National Community Pharmacists Association
The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) is an organization that focuses on enhancing the interests of students who hope to start their own business or work in a community setting upon graduation. A few events we participate in to provide our members more knowledge about pharmacy and to further develop their counseling skills include shadowing an independent pharmacy owner and educating the community about nutrition and lifestyle. NCPA offers the Business Plan Competition (BPC) every spring semester where students in teams develop their own blueprint on how they would execute a pharmacy-based business, as well as earn 2 elective credit hours. Guest speakers from independent pharmacists to financial planners are brought in to educate our competitors on the necessities required to start their own business. Teams then present their business plan in front of guest judges and the winning plan will have the chance to participate in the national competition.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Bradley Hughes,
NHPA - National Hispanic Pharmacist Association
- To promote Hispanic/Latinx cultural awareness and sensitivity within the Retzky College of Pharmacy.
- Encourage interested undergraduate students from the Hispanic/Latinx community to pursue a career in pharmacy
- Provide a welcoming environment for all students that are interested in learning about Hispanic/Latinx culture
- Advocate for improvement of health literacy among the Hispanic/Latinx community
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Rodrigo Burgos,
Dr. Christina Cortez,
PAPA - Polish American Pharmacist Association
The Polish American Pharmacist Association (PAPA) is a highly respected pharmacy organization that has had a presence in Illinois Pharmacy since 1936. Our organization provides many opportunities for professional development and networking, especially at our continuing education meetings where we learn about new medications and have the chance to catch up with our peers at Midwestern and Roosevelt Universities, and pharmacist members. As a student chapter, we care about developing our students’ patient care skills by organizing community outreach events at popular venues including Trójcowo’s (Holy Trinity’s) annual parish picnic, where we provide patients with blood pressure and blood glucose checks and counseling on healthy lifestyle modifications. Our chapter collaborates with the Polish American Association (PAA), a human services organization that serves Polish immigrants in the Chicagoland area, to deliver educational presentations to their various patient groups as well as staff. Presentation topics have included: substance use disorder, influenza, benzodiazepines, and opioid overdose among others. We also help faculty translate pamphlets on various health topics on a monthly basis that are later distributed at several senior centers in Chicago. As an organization we are always looking for ways to further give back to the community and this has led to events such as a flu clinic, donation drive for a local women’s shelter, and collaboration with the Society of Polish American Pre-Health Professionals. Finally, we love to showcase our Polish culture to our diverse student population at the College of Pharmacy in AIPhA’s annual cultural show, where we wear regional Polish costumes and perform traditional folk dances.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jakub Swiatek,
Phi Delta Chi
The Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity develops leaders to advance the profession of pharmacy. Phi Delta Chi, a lifelong experience, promotes scholastic, professional, and social growth in its Brothers. We strive to provide quality services to our patients, thereby advancing public health and strengthening ourselves as health professionals.The Alpha Sigma Chapter of Phi Delta Chi promotes Brotherhood, Professional Development and Community Service, including fundraising for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Our alumni network knows no bounds as we are Brothers for Life.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Varanya Chaiyaperm,
Phi Lambda Sigma
The mission of Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society is to increase awareness of the Society through collaboration with other pharmacy organizations through:
- Ensuring the continuing availability of student and practitioner leaders for the profession of pharmacy.
- Acknowledging leadership achievement and award membership to leaders recommended by the Society.
- Enhancing the talent, skill and effectiveness of leaders for the profession of pharmacy.
- Supporting and encouraging sustained leadership commitment.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Rob DiDomenico,
Dr. Kevin Rynn,
PiPA - Pride in Pharmacy Association
The mission of PiPA is to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer-identifying, asexual, and allied (LGBTQIA+) individuals and allies as they transition into the UIC Doctorate of Pharmacy program, to support said students while enrolled in the program, and to assist with the transition of said students into their careers. We also provide, and improve the accuracy of, training and education regarding LGBTQIA+ healthcare to future healthcare providers.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Rodrigo Burgos,
Dr. Kevin Rynn,
PPA - Pediatric Pharmacy Association
The Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA) is an international, nonprofit, professional association representing the interests of pediatric pharmacists and their patients through C.A.R.E. The goal of PPA is to provide future pharmacists knowledge on the latest in pediatric pharmacy, promoting safe and effective medication use, so that students may advance in training and skills as future pediatric pharmacists
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jennnifer Tran Pham,
Rho Chi Society – Pi Chapter
The Rho Chi Society Phi chapter is the University of Illinois Chicago Retzky College of Pharmacy’s honor society. Invitations to be inducted into the society are given out to the top students in each class, based on GPA, once the student has completed at least half the didactic coursework. The Rho Chi Society’s vision is to achieve universal recognition of its members as lifelong intellectual leaders in pharmacy. Members of the Rho Chi Society focus on intellectual leadership through tutoring, community service, and providing study aids for fellow students. The mission of The Rho Chi Society is to encourage and recognize excellence in intellectual achievement and foster fellowship among its members. Further, the Society encourages high standards of conduct and character, and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Beatrice Drambarean,
Dr. Jeffery Mucksavage,
SASP - Student Association of Specialty Pharmacy
The Student Association of Specialty Pharmacy is the student division of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy, which was created to invest in the future of specialty pharmacy practice by promoting student engagement in specialty pharmacy through education, professional development, and networking with members and affiliated partners of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy. SASP strives to educate students about career paths within the field of specialty pharmacy, and increase student awareness of current issues and topics of interest in the specialty pharmacy field through guest speakers and student engagement projects.The Student Association of Specialty Pharmacy is the student division of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy, which was created to invest in the future of specialty pharmacy practice by promoting student engagement in specialty pharmacy through education, professional development, and networking with members and affiliated partners of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy. SASP strives to educate students about career paths within the field of specialty pharmacy, and increase student awareness of current issues and topics of interest in the specialty pharmacy field through guest speakers and student engagement projects.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jakub Swiatek,
SNPhA - Student National Pharmaceutical Association
SNPhA is an educational service association of pharmacy students who are concerned about the profession of pharmacy, healthcare issues, and the poor minority representation in these areas. The purpose of SNPhA is to plan, organize, coordinate, and execute programs geared toward the improvement of the health, educational, and social environment of minority communities.
Primary Contact:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jewel Younge,
Dr. Heidi Olson,
SSVP - Student Society of Veterinary Pharmacists
SSVP aims to enhance the interests and the integration of veterinary pharmacy by promoting education and engaging in activities relating to the topic. SSVP, in addition to hosting guest speakers and seminars regarding a wide range of topics in veterinary pharmacy, provides excellent opportunities to get directly involved with animals and veterinary pharmacy practice. Come join us if you find you are passionate about animals and want to learn more about how you can help!
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Bradley Bartels,