Academic Success
Individual Tutoring Heading link
Tutoring is provided by OSA and Rho Chi peer tutors and is available to all students enrolled in the College of Pharmacy. Tutoring options include one-on-one tutoring appointments, weekly peer study groups, and exam review sessions hosted by Rho Chi. One-on-one tutoring sessions can be scheduled using the Microsoft Bookings platform, accessible through the link on the College of Pharmacy Tutoring and Academic Success Resources blackboard page. Self-enroll to the blackboard page. OSA Peer Tutors have been selected, trained and approved to individually tutor students in each of your required courses this semester. Please ensure as you sign up for these sessions, that you come prepared with questions and points of confusion to work through with your tutor. We would also encourage you to share your notes with your assigned tutor ahead of the meeting, so they can prepare for their session with you. Registration is open for 30 minute sessions per the availability of our student tutors, and you are able to sign up for two sessions in a row (total of 1 hour).
Peer Study Group Heading link
OSA Peer Tutors facilitate weekly Peer Study Groups that provide a structured environment to answer questions about the prior week’s material, review concepts, and share study tips and success strategies. Peer study groups are weekly sessions that occur at scheduled times for the remainder of the semester. There will be tutors available and facilitating each weekly session, but students are encouraged to collaborate to work through points of confusion together. Please fill out the following form to register for a peer study group session based on your current class:
Why Join a Peer Study Group?
Focused groups can help you stay on track with studying.
Gain insights from other students in the group. Many times, other students have different thoughts or interpretations of the subjects taught in the course that can help you understand the subject better.
Studying with others gives students more options on how to absorb the materials.
Peer Educator Program (PEP) Heading link
We’re excited to announce a new initiative from Rho Chi this year: PEP tutoring for P1s & P2s! We believe these PDAT review sessions will make the experience more interactive and discussion based. Our sessions feature fun, student-created multiple-choice questions that mimic real exam questions, giving you a chance to assess your knowledge in a relaxed setting.
On the Blackboard page, Zoom links will be under “Rho Chi Zoom Exam Review Sessions”. All sessions will be recorded, and materials will be posted on both the Blackboard page and Rho Chi website.
P1s, be sure to check out the Rho Chi website for exam review guides and other materials! This will become of greater use over the coming semesters.
Rx Study Guides
Password: rhochiuic
Here is the schedule for the review sessions – all sessions will be held online at 6:30 PM:
PHAR 501
- Exam 1: 2/19/25
- Exam 2: 4/2/25
PHAR 502
- Exam 1: 2/12/25
- Exam 2: 4/1/25
PHAR 505
- Exam 1: 2/17/25
- Exam 2: 3/13/25
- Exam 3: 4/16/25
PHAR 506
- Exam 1: 2/10/25
- Exam 2: 3/10/25
- Exam 3: 4/7/25
Student Success Program Recordings Heading link
Academic Success Strategies Webinar Recording Link
Financial Wellness Webinar Recording Link
Organizational Strategies Workshop Recording Link
Organizational Strategies Workshop Google Drive Resources – please make sure to download the documents in order to edit them!
Academic Center for Excellence Heading link
The Academic Center for Excellence provides learning support services to enable all UIC students to accomplish their academic goals.
Study Skills Heading link
- Attend class or listen to recordings of the lectures and take notes during
- Immediately after class write down one or more questions based on key aspects of the lecture. Also write answers for the questions. This gives you a bank of questions and answers that you can return to later when studying. Qs and As can also be shared among your fellow students if you study as a group.
- Note a concept from the lecture that needs clarification, write a question that could be asked at a review session. If you can not attend review session or this impacts the next lecture, send the question to the professor/course coordinator.
- Summarize every lecture on one (!) sheet of paper and use this as framework for studying, this can be a graph, a drawing, brief text
- Don’t waste time re-watching/reading EVERYTHING.
- Use your notes and only re-watch the things you did not understand.
- Try to explain the material to yourself with the help of your notes after every lecture
- Understand and don’t just memorize
- Don’t wait with studying until shortly before the exam
- Invest 10-15 min every day to recapture every lecture